HITS! yay...:)
These few days are kinda bloody for me... almost everyday sleep at 4plus in the morning, n have to wake up at 8am... Usually I dun make such sacrifices, unless for those projects that I have to do... Spent quite much $$$ on the printing of proj reports and bloody cab fares cos i was late for meetings in the mornings... suck...
CNY i was very sick, din have a proper reunion dinner, slept my whole night cos of high fever and migraine... after CNY, everyday projects, projects and endless projects!!! meetings never seem to be enough... somehow not very efficient in certain projects...
Tues had two presentations... one in the morning and one in the afternoon... morning had a "proposal meeting" presentation... afternoon had a role play of service blueprint, I role played as a Doctor, and my "diabetic patient" - HuiQi... haha... realised that this sem wasnt really great... cos u nv get to choose your own proj team mates, everything is decided by the tutors...then, you get to know the true colours of the diff people as they work with u in the projs... had miscommunications, intolerance, silent conflicts, and kena stabbed at the back by downgrading you in peer evaluation... that's like a battle.. no matter how much efforts you put, people will still regard that you din put in much and they dun appreciate... fine.
Wed had a presentation on Soo Kee Jewellery.. dunno what's wrong with me tt day.. kinda nervous for presentation and kept forgetting what i should say, and stupidly dunno how to link up te different points into my own words... din role play, most of the teams does... and our team felt that we din really put in much efforts...hmm...
Thurs, presentation on AdConnect's "Be Different"campaign.. we were late cos we got stuck at that stupid printing shop... late for 15 to 20 mins... Mr Wee was kinda disappointed... i was the first speaker, rushed up to the room, put down my bag and immediately start the presentation as requested... wth.. i'm still panicking lah... halfway through, Mr. Wee stopped us n made us sit down.. he toked to us about punctuality and presentation etiquettes... we are feeling so guilty cos we r late.. jus wondering if he will downgrade us...
3 yrs in my poly life, i had nv felt the downgrade of PE thingy and being late for presentations... everything that happened this sem seems to be a shock to me... so much flaws! horrible flaws!!!
Jus one more ED Day presentation to go and one more IM presentation to go.. hopefully it wont be as bad as those previous few projs... i wanna see sunshine... but i realised i get to see "sunrise" often and ended up like a puffed up face dark eye ringed panda...
Jiayou jiayou! Projects will be over soon and exams will come! my GOD!!!