Time to get more office wear...

Been quite busy this week, settling stuffs to prepare for Citibank. Made my way down to create my employment account & medical checkup. Went back to school with Daddy to collect my graduation robe... can't wait for this day to come! :) Went dinner and soya ice cream with Daddy. And Daddy bought me a new pair of office slippers too...:) thank you Daddy! I realised I have been running about to different places... It's really tiring tho. Daddy bought me this pair of slippers as a gift to congrats me for my new job coming. :)
Went to see Mummy at her workplace. Dint know that she has stopped her work in the market. But she works for a poultry supplier, and she hurt her right hand. She is bandaged. :( Why is Mummy so stubborn? Mummy, can you get a better job that wont be so hard on you? Maybe a cashier at the NTUC? Mummy doesnt listen and I'm really worried for her... :(
Today, went to the orientation at Citibank EARLY in the morning. I went out even earlier than my bro-in-law, he is so surprised! "Wah, Amei go to work so early ah?" haha.. haven work lah... hiring date will be 18 May 2009, Monday. Get to know a new colleague from my department, her name is Ying Zi (Shadow) hehe... She is a nice girl. Went shopping with her after the orientation and chatted over the combination of Subway cookies and MacDonald's hot tea.. hehe...:) Got so fond of this office dress, but you know? It is more than a hundred dollars! So, this is what I do loh... no ownership of it, but had a picture as a memor.. hahaha...