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Sunday, August 23, 2009

By the beach...
It has been a while tht i have yet to blog about anything... Sorry my friends... have been busy with work.. Went to church activities with Aloysius n his church frens... managed to capture some shots tht shows the real time tht we are really relaxing..:) by the beach...

A green hulk behind me... xiao pang.. haha.

slipper gang!

My new friend, Amanda.:)

Wahahaha... look like couple right? keke..

By the beach.. I'm trying nt to laugh... lol.

~{7:15 AM}

Sunday, August 9, 2009

God answers...:)
Well... it's been quite some time since the last posted blog... I came to realised that seriously, online friends are not dependable.. they might just come n go.. cos you dunno them well enough.. n there seems to be a barrier, whereby you wont understand about their backgound, as they didn't share it with you... everything seems like a mystery... In the previous blog post, i mentioned him. Yet, I still felt a gap. A gap that you will never be able to fill up. Because of the platform of knowing each other, communication channels, differences, n many many... Yes, Benjamin can be a great friend. He still does contact me. Just tht lately i'm so nt in the mood, cos of work stress... cant be really bothered to answer him about my work... its nt tht i dislike him. Its just about the mood, n the tandem of understanding. I'm sorry. You are still a great friend. I think i am too emotional, that I mistook you as tht someone to be.

Had given myself some time of being alone. I spoke to God. I need to receive from Him. I have been busy all the time in Yishun Christian Church. After these few years, I think I did commit through my services. Dance, choir, Sunday School. But I lacked input. Couldnt find a right time n location for my input. I need a quiet time for myself to get close to God n learn his teachings. Finally, Aloysius brought me to his church nearby my place. It was a young church as compared to my own church. The thought of going there to receive gives my heart a smile. I love the people there. I felt tht they really love each other even though their church is small. It's a bilingual church. N their fellowship gives me motivation. With Aloysius by my side, I have more confidence of being part of them, a family that shares love amongst one another. I never felt lonely. Everyday is full of surprises, hope n joy. I love God. Every moment tht He has made for me are precious. I will continue to pray. Will also pray for Aloysius to heal, n I hope to witness his water baptism soon. You can be better.:) Dun be afraid of S_ _ _ _. Thank you Aloysius..:)

~{12:49 PM}

Friday, July 24, 2009

Lately, I realised that work has been piling up..some changes happened without any signals... lots of calling, sending of letters, rebates... I'm trying so hard to reach a Tier 1. My first offer to the customer has lapsed, what a big blow to me. Why cant the customer promise me to make his payment on time? He can help himself n as well as helping me get a job well done. But, these are just empty promises... I managed to Hit! benchmark for my Contacts, still a little bit to go for KPs and $Collected... I have to Hit! this month... I have to... I felt the tension, stress level going up to the tip of my temples, especially when someone who comes in later than me but has more working experience than me had Hit! a Tier 1. I want to push myself to be better. Had been quiet lately in the office... I dint "tiew" so much like I usually do to my colleagues. Even Phoebe asked what happen to me...

Partially is because of my own personal problems too. I cried to Huiqi tonight. I told her how much I needed someone to be there to walk with me. I'm not thinking about having bfs. Its just about a companionship, someone to be there to lend me a ear and care for me. I missed my parents, how have they been? I got stressed at work, who can I talk to? I need someone who will love n care for me, someone who will tell me, "yes, i'm here to care for you." I started to realise his goodness, all the part n parcels that you almost cant see them. These part n parcels may seem easy, but they contain care n sincerity. I dont care how he looks, how good or bad his family is.. I needed a someone just like him. Yes, he told me, "i'm here to care for you..". Yes, he is. I felt his care showered on me. He is tactful. He is gentle. A peaceful natured guy. He dont like quarrels n he never scolded me though tht I am unreasonable at times. He gave me a Carebear. It shows that he cares. But he left for holiday without letting me know in advance. At the last minute of time before his flight, he smsed me n said, "i'm flying off soon, u must take care ok?" Early in the morning when I was on my way to office, the sms soured my heart. My day in the office was crushed. I didn'nt have the spirits to do my job, and I just kept quiet... Its just silence that accompanied me with my feelings... What will the outcome of us to be? I'm tired... I just want to close my eyes and think of his care... Its a breakdown.. Truly it is.

~{11:17 AM}

Friday, July 3, 2009

Another meet out with my darlings...
We went to Andersen's Ice Cream n had this 5 scoops Classic something... share ok... ha... thank god we din order tiramisu or rum n raisin.. lol. someone might get drunk.. lol.

Borrowed my Secretary's shades. isnt it cool tgt with my new hair style?? hehehe...

Babie having her cooling ice kachang... always like to advertise things she likes hahaha...

Hmm.. they somehow look alike in some ways.. i jus cant tell what is it.. but for all of us, i'm sure we bring lotsa laughters.. :)
See you soon again my darlings..:)

~{9:08 AM}

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Getting pale, need a coffee break!
Realised that I have been getting pale lately.. I look so tired in the eyes.. Thank God that "Secretary" tompang me again n we headed down to Compass Point for a chill out at Starbucks, a place where we could have our "meeting" haha.. "meeting" with the yum yum waffles n ice blended coffee.. :) Reward myself n a pat on the back for a job well done after one month at Citi..:) Jiayou.. n thanks for accompanying me "Secretary"...:)

~{8:40 AM}

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Too Nice" pictures
its a formal one. thank you NYP...

Nad's cuzzie said we jumped well.. n mine is graceful ahaha...

~{7:45 AM}

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Graduation Pictures...
Perhaps this will be the last photo with them...

We are trying to show the poses... :)

Not yet ready!!!

Another "NG" shot.. haha.. we had a great time...
More to come! :)

~{7:38 AM}